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<<My grandmother and I are extremely grateful because when my aunt died, she left a number of outstanding financial commitments, and when we weren’t in the frame of mind to take care of the problems that arose, you gave us moral and financial support.>>

From a letter received after paying out for Life Insurance.



<<I never thought I’d need it and I didn’t think they would pay out because an incident had occurred before here in Veracruz and I didn’t think I would be entitled to it.

Our house was flooded by heavy rain and all our furniture was soaked through... it rained all night and all of Veracruz was flooded. Our furniture was ruined.

I was sent a check for the insurance and I went to cash it in at the bank. We used it to repair the house, paint the walls and restore the furniture.

I don’t like getting into debt, but this was a matter of savings. As the saying goes, ‘it is better to have too much than too little’, and the same is true of insurance because you never know what’s going to happen.>>

Taken from a statement after paying out for Damages Insurance.