We believe in people and their ability to grow and improve.
We believe that exclusion is a cause of poverty and by offering quality access to competitive financial services we generate inclusion and development.
We believe in using commercial principles to help solve social problems.
We believe that, in the proper context, profitability can be a motor of development and a creator of competitive and efficient industries.
We believe there is a place for social, economic, and human value to coexist and reinforce one another.
We believe in sustainable development and the care of the environment.
We believe in the Serviazgo®* model as a tool for training inspiring leaders who stand out through service, development, growth, and results.
We believe we should strive to inspire and transform, regardless of how big the challenge is.
*Serviazgo is our comprehensive leadership model, based on self-knowledge and service to others. For more information, consult the Human Value section.
Are the depository and custodian of our essence, of what we are and what we strive to be.
Our Principles are the practice of our six institutional values; what sets us apart and drives our growth; what guides us as companies and as people. Like our business model, our Principles expand and become stronger in each of the countries where we operate. We have representatives of the Philosophy area in each one of our companies.
At Gentera, we live by our Principles in our daily activities. We also hold an annual encounter at which all of our employees become familiar with the strategy for the upcoming year and where the concepts related to our Philosophy are reinforced. The Principles Survey is a tool for diagnosing those aspects of our internal activities that need to be reinforced in order to ensure the full practice of our values.
We remain faithful to the value of people. This being the center of our values, we foster the comprehensive development our employees in accordance with the FISEP® model (the initials in Spanish stand for Physical, Intellectual, Social-Family, Spiritual, and Professional). We accompany them through their transformation into inspiring leaders, supported by the Serviazgo® model.
We give to others because we are interested in their welfare.
We keep our word and assume the consequences of our actions.
We love what we do.
We collaborate with others in order to achieve more.
We do more with less, providing better service by being productive and efficient.
Our business model is sustainable. All of the actions we undertake are focused on generating social, economic, and human value.
We are guided by our quest for the common good, for comprehensive development, and for the creation of opportunities for our stakeholders, in order to benefit the families and society in the places where we operate.
For us, Ethics means doing the greatest possible good.
Our Ethics and Conduct Code is the tool that consolidates our Philosophy and establishes criteria for our relations with stakeholders. Through the circulation, training, and acceptance of our Code we ensure that all of us receive decent and respectful treatment. Furthermore, channels for denouncing abuses are incorporated into the Code to ensure compliance with it.
An independent Honor Commission objectively evaluates all the complaints made within the framework of the Code, at Gentera and each one of its companies, in accordance with their respective internal regulations. In 2013 a total of 410 complaints were lodged: 205 at Gentera, 192 at Compartamos Banco, 3 at Compartamos S.A., 5 at Compartamos Financiera, and 5 at Yastás.
Every year our employees renew their understanding and acceptance of the Code, through a process of reinforcing the concepts of our Principles (online course) and a certification. This certification, like the Money Laundering Prevention certification, is obligatory for all employees.
Through our Human Training Courses, we foster a workplace environment of equal opportunities and a balance between family and professional life, with non-discrimination and respect for people and their rights. This has helped us to permeate a sense of fair and respectful conduct amongst employees, governmental authorities, suppliers, customers, and investors.